BOB“三位一体”的英语教育、中小学语、数、英课内外培优教育,根据中国学生的语言学习规律,研发以学生为主体的新一代教学方案,致力于更快、更有效地帮助学生学习语文、数学、英语。经历20年的成长,BOB双语教育已成为潮汕地区和江门地区极具规模及影响力的品牌之一,在K12领域拥有多年教学和教研经验,是众多学生和家长的信赖之选。 截至2021年,BOB双语教育共有12个校区,拥有近150名教师队伍,获得近10万家庭的信赖。
BOB双语教育在多年实践中不断升级课程体系,培养优质师资队伍,以“每一个学生,每一个课堂”为品牌理念,在互动性极佳的多媒体课堂中学习,激发学生学习兴趣,掌握高效学习方法。在高质量的教学过程中,培养学生具备多科思维,养成自主学习的习惯,打造全学科素质教育平台。 BOB双语教育在硬件和软件上都在不断的升级迭代,通过融合最新的教育科技,升级AI数理化课程,升级IL线上线下相结合英语课程,让学生获得更加高效的学习体验;通过优化教育资源的形式,视线优质学习效果;通过对教学的渴望和追求,让学生在不断探索和思考中全面成长,为未来发展积蓄能量! 在这里,学生将会学会一门语言,掌握一门科目,锻炼一种能力,建立一套价值观,我们为其插上语言的翅膀,引领方向,为梦想启航!
BOB Chinese & English Education School has established herself as a famous bilingual education brand in south Guangdong Province since 2001, a brand under which involve the following four schools: BOB Chinese & English Bilingual Education Training Center Shantou City (EDU NON-GOV: 144050780000261), BOB Foreign Language Vocational Training School Shnatou City (EDU NON-GOV: 4405835080003), BOB Chinese & English Bilingual Education Training Center Rongcheng District Jieyang City (EDU NON-GOV: 144520270916021), BOB English Education Training School Heshan City Jiangmen (EDU NON-GOV: 144078460000771), and their twelve campuses. BOB Schools pride on their faculty by valuing talent cultivation and their career development. We advocate and fulfill student-center teaching policy, focusing on each and every class, and focusing on each and every student. Twenty years have witnessed the growing-up of a bilingual education training school that provides an overall curriculum of preschool bilingual education, curricular and extracurricular bilingual training for primary and secondary school students, adult English training, English training for going abroad and a systematic courses of Chinese literature. In accordance with the tenets of high teaching quality, our schools have already helped thousands of primary and secondary school students to become excellent and thousands more of slow students to make rapid progress in both their Chinese and English learning, and also helped lots of adult students become bilingually talented and qualified for a position in a foreign trade corporation.
Brief Introduction of BOB Chinese & English Education